AMH term yg baru pernah dengar & belajar hari ni..Dr suruh balik dan baca pasal AMH far apa yg saya faham bila dah baca sikit² pasal AMH ni adalah untuk check berapa banyak remaining quantity of eggs yang kita ada and berapa tahun lagi tahap kesuburan we should know our AMH level utk tahu tahap ovum yang dihasilkan oleh badan kita....from AMH level will help us to evaluate woman's current fertility status and may predict the onset of menopause.
so indication dia mcm ni...
if between 0.1 to 4.9pmol : Low Ovarian Reserve--Low AMH means low egg numbers or decrease in the number of eggs..the production decreases and then stops as follicles grow..and indicate a potentially poor response to also may be useful in predicting menopause (dalam kata lain our ovum kita ada potensi yang tinggi utk menopause) and so Doctor akan suggests the need for extra stimulation medication as (increase dose ubat ker dll)..
if between 5 to 19.9pmol : Normal Ovarian Reserve--mean that the production of eggs is stable ikut umur kita..orang normal should get within this level..
if more than 20pmol : High Ovarian Reserve--mean excess follicles/eggs..normally PCOS people they will high level of also indicate an exaggerated response to the medication and sensitivity to stimulation medication and higher risk of OHSS...if monitor closely..high potency to get pregnant..inshaaAllah..
so agak² berapa level AMH saya???
p/s:-byk lagi kena baca pasal AMH ni...korang bole baca kat sini utk lagi faham..
my remark:
3rd appointment on CD11(28/6)
Cost incurred:
TVS & Consultation Dr =RM184