Sunday 29 January 2012

no doubt

even baru 2 orang yg comment kat blog ni..but i feel like "Alhamdulillah..thanks Allah..there still have a people who understand my situations" hard for me to explains to others (who didn't in the same boat)..even our close families or close friends pun susah nak faham...mcm mana nak faham..diorg tak mengalami & term2 kita ckp pun diaorang tak cannot blame diorang laa least diorag concern dgn kita..suh je laa diorg doakan kita..

now i realize the important of having support group from ttc peoples..they understand us well (hopefully)..and they give us courage..they share knowledge & experiences..know when we are happy..(cth mcm bila nampak egg white sure happy kan ;).paham2 je laa case sape2 ada PCOS like mine, bila AF dtg pun happy kan...walaupun sebenarnya agak sedih sbb tak berjaya masa2 ni laa akan ada ttc friends yg support kan..syukur sgt dapat kenal dgn diorg.sbb mereka2 ni laa yg faham kita..seriously rasa nk nangis baca comment/support dari yannie bunny and sweet tooth..u guys give me hope & make me smile semula ;)..

so buat setakat ni, i have no doubt to have this ttc blog and will continue to write here insyaAllah..actually mula2 feel like mcm "aku ni cerita mcm2 personal information on my ttc problems to public takpe ker"..rasa mcm tak ok jer cerita ni semua..but then fikir balik..i do this for my personal record..this is so-called my ttc diary..nnti bole trace balik ape treatment dh buat.kalau dah tua bole tunjukkan kat anak2 usaha nak dapatkan mereka kan..dan maybe the infomation in this blog bole benefit to others as well..

if anyone feel uneasy or offended with my writing, am really sorry. maybe this blog is not suit for your reading..i do hope your prayers for successful of my ttc journey..

thanks for everything readers..


  1. Of course hun! We'll always be here for u. We're in the same shoes ;)

    No worries. U'll get over that feeling. I dulu pn sama. Risau apa org nk fikir. But hey, ni kn umah u. Org xblh kritik cmna u nk decorate umah u kn. Tulis je apa yg u rasa. Mesti u legaaaaaa.... ;)

    1. thnks yannie..mmg lega sgt bila dpt tulis apa yg rasa..

  2. Mrs D, i pun baru je join write up on TTC since i start balik my treatment last year. And i feel very relief that i have frens that understand what i'm going through... Keep on writing and jgn putus asa. Allah knows best. Whatever happend, stay positive and be happy :-)

    1. st: betul laa..mmg kena +ve ni pun menulis sbb byk yg dah lupa pasal treatment yg lepas..bila Dr tny tak ingat..

  3. hey dear..i just bumped into ur blog.selama nih terlepas pandang myb..:)
    we're in the same i kategori "sihat"..u PCOS kurus..hehehe

    Good luck..i know u wait longer than mine..but Allah sedang menguji kita.

    1. welcome myself ;)..Allah sedang menguji kita..jemput dtg lagi eh

  4. insyaAllah... your time will come soon.. same as others who has succeeded (me still trying also) :) have faith in Allah dear.. my prayers are with u & the geng .. (mcm geng jahat plak bunyinye.. hehe)

    1. thanks nanoke..ameen for your prayers...insyaAllah semua geng2 ni mesti special..tu sbb Allah pilih kita kan..

  5. yeay...suka dpt jumpa kawan ttc..sekapal la kita,memamg...derang yg tak mengalami nasib mcm kita tak kan pernah paham.btw salam kenal :)
